Sunday, April 19, 2009

March and April 2009

Diana and Rebecca did some water color painting, it looks like Becca decided to paint herself a mustache! These girls are so silly. One day I came into the kitchen and they were standing on chairs up to the counter with a large mixing bowl and spoons. They claimed to be making dinner and had a concoction of bananas, peanut butter, crackers, and water mixed in the bowl!
Another day we brought the girls with us to help Bryan with one of the buildings he cleans at night. This building has a lot of offices in it. We set up a movie for the girls and Bryan started cleaning the bathrooms while I vacuumed. Next thing we know, Becca is running down the hall with no pants or diaper on! Bryan and I started our search, and sure enough we found her diaper, pants and a pile of poop on the floor in one of the offices!
This is Caitlyn with her friend Reagan. They had a 4th grade performance about the history of Utah, with speakers, singing and dancing. Caitlyn had a speaking part and she did really well.

The girls were lucky enough to dye Easter Eggs twice with Grandma Martin. They are going to be pros!

The girls also loved the Easter Egg hunt at Grandma Martin's house with all of the cousins!

The girls got to dye Easter Eggs again at our house with Caitlyn. We got to use these eggs for an Easter Egg Bash at Grandma Martin's house that was really fun!

Here are the three sisters in their new Easter dresses. We had a wonderful Easter together as a family. Caitlyn said this was the best Easter and her favorite part was making Resurrection Cookies.


Jeannie Young said...

I love hearing about your cute family. It sounds like you had a really nice Easter. I love the story of your girls making dinner! I've come across plenty of crazy concoctions that my boys have made! Kids are so funny!

Mel & Annette said...

Sounds like lots of fun. Glad you had a special Easter! Lov you!

Cynthia said...

Thanks for the update - Looks like a lot of fun!

Luella said...

That is too funny about the poop on the floor! Silly babies! I'm glad Sammy hasn't quite learned how to take off his diaper yet!

Who is Pin Dot? said...

Becca's cheesy smile is the best! Can't wait to see you guys in a month.